Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

I love pancakes.

I make pancakes all the time. Pancakes for snack. Pancakes for lunch. Pancakes for dessert. Pancakes for dinner. Mmmmm...

Pancakes with mushroom and cheese omelette,
sauteed zucchini with mushrooms and baked beans.

When I run out of ideas what to cook for dinner, I make pancakes. When I feel like having a simple sweet treat, I make pancakes. When my freezer runs out of chicken and salmon, I make pancakes. When my 2-year-old refuse to eat anything else, I make pancakes.

Last night I made pancakes again. My husband is a big fan of chocolate so whenever I make pancakes, I must make some with chocolate chips. Chocolate chip pancakes are divine! Even my fussy little eater likes them. You must try it. Forget the instant pancake mix. Pancakes are so easy to make from scratch!

I usually use milk in my pancake recipe, but this time I decided to substitute it with buttermilk. It makes lighter, fluffier pancakes!

The method is still the same as this one except with an extra step: sprinkle chocolate chips on top of the pancake while it's cooking.

Once bubbles start to form, flip the pancake to the other side. Cook for another 1-2 minutes.

I love seeing how the chocolate chips sink into the pancakes, making holes that looked like Swiss cheese. Beautiful, isn't it?

This chocolate chip pancake is good enough on its own. But if you want to turn it into an indulgent dessert, serve the pancakes with a giant scoop of ice-cream (we had cookies and cream) and drizzle with chocolate syrup. Would be even better if it's topped with almond flakes.



She slipped off her pink stilettos at 12:30 AM |
