Sunday, July 20, 2008

Say Cheeseeee!

Remember the day my sisters and I had Chanel makeovers at Pavilion? Well, we headed to The Loaf right after that to have a quick bite; my hubby and Wani ordered the U-hu-hu cheesecakes, and it just so happened that whoever purchased the cheesecakes (even just 1 piece) get to join the "Let's Say Cheese" contest that they were having at that time. So we had our pics snapped, and was told that the winners will be contacted soon. Nadia and his cute bro (whom I thought was her new boyfriend) were there too, buying cheesecakes.

It was months after that and all of us had forgotten about the contest, but suddenly I received a letter earlier this month saying we're one of the Consolation winners! Woo-hoo! I know it's not grand prize or something but hey, at least we won something! ;)

So hubby and I went to Pavilion today to redeem our prizes (just a Canon bag tho, and The Loaf Loyalty Card), and sure enough there were photos of the winners! It was exciting to see our picha up on the wall... ;p

And guess what? Nadia and his bro won the 2nd place! Jeles aku... but they sure deserved it (altho my sis and I think they should've won the 1st place). Just look at their photo...

Anyway, here's a close-up of our pic:

Nadia, korang dapat hadiah ape ha?


She slipped off her pink stilettos at 11:56 PM |
