Wednesday, May 02, 2012

For The Rest Of My Life

Attended a few weddings recently and every wedding that I've been to, mesti ada lagu Maher Zain... and now I am in love with this song of his - the English and the Malay versions!

(Embedding for the English version is disabled tho).

My favorite part in the video clip is (at 1:59) when Maher Zain is in the kitchen, reading "How To Cook - A Cookbook for Beginners" book in one hand, while holding a wooden slotted spoon in another hand. I literally went "AWWWWHHHH SWEETNYAA" while watching it! 

Guys who can cook/makes effort to cook for their wives are a major heart-melter (and not to mention, sexy). Take note guys, take note!!

Oh, that reminds me... Something that I heard from the father of the bride's speech at one of the weddings I attended. "Husbands, learn how to impress your wives". He even said about how husbands should learn how to cook for their wives once in a while (apparently, he knows how to cook and cooks for his wife. Lucky woman).

I elbowed my husband and said, "Ha dengar tu".

And then he said with a grin, "I've made Herbalife shake for you, kira cook la jugak tu kan?".


She slipped off her pink stilettos at 3:00 AM |
