Monday, March 28, 2011


This is what happens when I'm in a hurry:


Thing is, it always happens to my favorite scarves. That's the fifth favorite scarf so far, ruined by Mr. Iron. And I have only wore it three times! I don't have a lot of scarves... Well ok, I did have quite a lot. I had about a hundred scarves - but that was before the iron ate 5 of them and before I decided I don't want about half of the scarves I have (too dull, too lembik, too keras, too small, too big, too short, too long, haiyoo).

These are the only ones that I like at the moment.

Greens, blues and purples

Browns, oranges, reds and pinks

Blacks, grays, whites and plain ones

Most of my scarves are from Tie Rack, but I also have other brands including Mortada, Donatello, Warehouse, Next and also from pasar malam. I don't wear expensive scarves one!

Oh by the way, did you notice I have the least number of pink scarves?
Yeah well, I like pink but I don't really like to wear pink! ;D


She slipped off her pink stilettos at 11:30 PM |
