Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kereta Berhias

Never in my life have I seen anything like this.

That is a Pajero decorated with toy figures, in case you're wondering. My husband saw it at Mid Valley the other day, snapped some pictures to show them to me and I just had to show them to you guys!

That's A LOT of toys! Dalam kereta pun ada. Crazy right?
I bet everyone who sees it would be so amused.

There's Goofy, Shrek, Woody of Toy Story, Mickey Mouse, heck even Satria Baja Hitam pun ada! I guess the owner of this vehicle must be so obsessed with toy figures! It's interesting to see what people would do to decorate their cars.

Do you decorate your car?


She slipped off her pink stilettos at 2:00 AM |
