Or so I thought.
Yeah well it is free but only for the photoghraphy session. You see when I first read it, my eyes only saw "free portrait". And I quickly dragged my husband and Ayra into the store without thinking twice. Silly me!
We decided to do it anyways because we fell in love with their work. And because I have been wanting to have a portrait with Ayra since the day she was born. So instead of paying RM150 for the portrait session for the both of us and RM78 per portrait, we only need to pay for the latter.
There were costumes, props and tools and stuff - it was all so exciting! Ayra had a few different costumes on and one of them is a tutu skirt! Arkkk... SO cute!
But man, photoshoot session with a toddler was tougher than I thought! It took extra work to get Ayra to pose and not cry in front of the camera (she was cranky because she didn't have her nap yet). We gave her my husband's iPhone and some toys but they didn't seem to work because she was busy playing and moving around, and couldn't care less about the photoshoot (ahh well, kids!). At last, the photographer, who is a really nice young lady, blew bubbles around Ayra, baru dia ok.
I managed to record a few behind the scenes videos, by the way (lepas tu baru dapat tau tak boleh record vids/snap pics. Oops!).
I told my husband that we'll just take one portrait. Or maybe two - one with me and Ayra, another one Ayra sorang. But when the photos were ready, my God, I want ALL of them! (it's always like that, isn't it?)
Of course we didn't take all of them. In the end, we settled for a few printed portraits, a softcopy of 10 portraits, and I also signed up as a member of The Picture Company. I can have as many portrait sessions as I want for free all year long! (and they will keep the softcopy of your photos for a year, in case you want to print them out later).
The portraits will be ready in about a week's time. I cannot wait!