Monday, October 19, 2009

Clearing out my closet

I was digging through my closet just the other day and found out that almost 90% of the clothes I have in there are those that I no longer wear - no kidding! And that doesn't include the ones in my big box storage. Some of the clothes are too big, some are too small. Some, I just don't want them anymore. It's no wonder why I'm always running out of clothes to wear (and space to hang new ones)!

So I'm getting rid some of them (I haven't finished sorting them out yet). Check out the 1st batch of clothes at my blogshop: Shopper's Sanctuary. Will update more soon!

On sale (coming soon): Previously worn by yours truly, as seen in my older posts.


She slipped off her pink stilettos at 2:30 AM |
