Saturday, September 13, 2008

"I don't have anything fab to wear!"

I saw at least 1001 fabulous tops at the mall the other day.

Okay, I'm just exaggerating that amount. But nearly every boutique I went to, at least 2-3 tops caught my eyes. It's frustrating knowing that I can't wear (and buy) them. Not with this belly.
If I take bigger sizes, the shoulders would be droopy and the sleeves would be too long. Altering is not the solution to it. Might as well I wait until my baby pops out.

Why can't maternity tops be as chic as these?


MNG and Banana Republic

Now I don't usually dig the clothing line from Principles, but these are chic!


Ok, so there are some nice maternity clothes out there, like those from Topshop, but the choices are pretty limited (especially here in Malaysia). It's like a discrimination against pregnant ladies! Just bcoz we have a belly that's the size of a prize-winning watermelon and a bulging belly-button and swollen hands and feet (well, I don't have one yet) and an ugly dark line that divides our bellies into North and South hemispheres (actually it's East and West- but you get my point), it's just not fair that non-pregnant ladies have more choices of clothing than us, especially young-mommies-to-be, like moi! We still want to look fah-buh-lousss and wear our favorite brands. Right, mommies?



She slipped off her pink stilettos at 12:45 AM |
