Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I'm in love!

I think I've found the perfect replacement for my current phone (no, not the shiny "patent" Sony Ericsson; it's a bit thick for my liking). Annddd, it happened to be one of the sisters from the RAZR family - the RAZR2 V9.

Ain't she gorgeous?

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Obviously everything about this new phone is way better than my current phone, but I think this one is slightly longer by a few millimeters if compared to the good old V3. Hey, even a teeny-weeny difference counts when it comes to gadgets, no? It's the 1-millimeter difference that makes a phone too thick or a digicam too wide, or an mp3 player too bulky, or... well, you get the picture.

I hope this one is not as "lengthy" as MOTOKRZR tho.

On another quite similar note...

Looks like Prada has come out with its own phone. Cool, but I'm not really into PDA-ish phones. Not after what happened to my O2. Dpt free nak la ;p


She slipped off her pink stilettos at 3:40 AM |
