Thursday, July 26, 2007

Apple Crumble A la Mode

I was in need of a sugar rush due to my PMS (what else is new now?), so I decided to make my favorite sweet treat - Apple Crumble. I found the recipe at videojug and couldn't believed that something so scrumptious was SUPER easy to make!

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Here's what you need:

6 Granny Smith apples
250g sugar (but I think next time I'm gonna reduce it to 200-220g bcoz I find it too sweet)
200g flour
120g butter
1 cinnamon stick (or clove)

That's it!

And here's how...

First peel the apples and cut 'em into chunks. Then put the chunked apples into a pan, add 3/4 of the sugar, cinnamon stick and cover the pan. Let it stew gently for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Lightly mashed the apples; they should be soft by then.

Put the apples into a serving dish and allow to cool.

To make the crumble, mix flour, the remaining sugar and butter with your fingers until it becomes like the consistency of breadcrumbs. Cover the entire surface of the stewed apples with the crumble toppings. Bake for 30-40 minutes until it's golden brown, and serve it with ice-cream (or cream).

Yes, that's it! Told ya it was so easy.

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It's best served when it's still hot. The crumble was the yummiest of all. Sgt crunchy, almost like cookies. The combination of hot apple and cold ice-cream is simply divineee. Oh btw, I added ground almond for the crumble. You can add in oats as well.

My family and MZ loves it!
Next time I'm gonna try with pears.


She slipped off her pink stilettos at 6:47 PM |
